Monday, June 28, 2010

Energy Efficiency Boom to Halt Commercial Real Estate Swoon?

We've refrained herein from posturing about politics and energy policy. Why worry about what you can't control?, our (apathetic?) side contends. That said, at Octus we're acutely focused on existing incentives, tax credits and other catalysts that fortify our clients: commercial building owners and managers who invest in energy efficiency. And, a recent report, "The Imminent Commercial Real Estate Crisis and The CRE Solution," caught our eye. A few snippets:
  • CRE transactions have dropped a staggering 90 percent since 2007. Between now and 2014, $1.4 trillion in CRE loans are coming due; more than half of these are currently underwater. Commercial property values have plummeted by more than 40 percent, and commercial vacancies rates continue to increase.
  • Congress can simultaneously address the looming CRE crisis and crippling construction unemployment through The CRE Solution. This can be jumpstarted quickly by building upon the existing Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction (26 U.S.C. 179(d)) from $1.80 per square foot to a range of $3 to $9 per square foot for new and existing commercial buildings meeting specific energy reduction targets.
  • For each $6 billion of deferred CRE revenue, for example, The CRE Solution would generate $73.4 billion in new private spending, $15.9 billion in new federal tax revenue, and $5.25 billion in state and local government tax revenue, according to the report findings.
  • The CRE Solution would decrease building sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, increase after-tax cash flow and property values, reduce loan defaults, and increase new CRE sales, desirability, and investment value.
The 14-page report can be viewed at

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